
Hosta peeking up through the mulch.

Close-up of Lilac flowers.

Ambridge Rose by David Austin
Ambridge up close.   She smells like fruit.

Bleeding Heart.  One of the glories that only grows well in this climate that receives a real winter.

Fantin LaTour.   Glorious fragrance.  Only blooms for about three weeks each year...but worth the wait.

Sally Holmes.  The only rose on my property that doesn't have fragrance.   She makes up for it in charm.

Veronica.   Crater Lake Blue.  Nestled against a Lavender.

Jude the Obscure. 

Shasta Daisy

Jackmanii Clematis.

Shastas continued.  :)

Tiny arrangement of lilacs and roses.

One of my friends.   He eats what bugs me.

White Lilacs.